Saturday, August 4, 2018

Baby A's Nursing Portraits

Baby Fat Rolls Nursing Portrait mom and daughter nursing Morning Owl Fine Art Photography San Diego

Nursing Portrait mom and daughter nursing Morning Owl Fine Art Photography San Diego  Baby A's Nursing Portraits

Photographed on 4 August 2018

On the night of Friday August 3rd, I was itching to do breastfeeding portraits! 

I posted in a local mom group about my desire and quickly recieved messages of willing participants. Thank GOODNESS! At 8am the next morning I was headed to this families home to capture this sweet moment.

Mom wanted her sweet 3 month old naked for these and I could not have had a better sugestion for these beautiful bay windows they had in thier home. 

My artistic bucket filled so quickly after this session!

I hope you enjoy some of the gallery as much as I did photographing and editing it. 

Best wishes, 
Morgan L 

P.S. Make sure to scroll all the way down to see a great outake!

Nursing Portrait mom and daughter nursing Morning Owl Fine Art Photography San Diego

Nursing Portrait mom and daughter nursing Morning Owl Fine Art Photography San Diego

Nursing Portrait mom and daughter nursing Morning Owl Fine Art Photography San Diego

Nursing Portrait mom and daughter nursing Morning Owl Fine Art Photography San Diego

Nursing Portrait mom and daughter nursing Morning Owl Fine Art Photography San Diego

Nursing Portrait mom and daughter nursing Morning Owl Fine Art Photography San Diego

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