Saturday, February 9, 2019

Military Mom - Nursing Portraits

Military Mom - Nursing Portraits

First off, I have an AMAZING husband who supports everything I want to do, love to do, and suggests the best things. Like yesterday, while on a lunch break, he took these portraits of myself nursing our daughter and I edited them. He's getting pretty good, Huh?!

Military mom nursing while in Uniform United States Navy - Morning Owl Fine Art Photography San Diego

Some of you may know that we are a 'dul mil' family and actually met in Fire Controlmen A School way back in Jan 2015. I am a reservist and he is active duty stationed here in San Diego. This weekend was a drill weekend where I go in with my unit who supports LCS ships in port....

But that doesn't change my other responsibilities at home.

Nursing and nurturing this sweet girl is one of the greatest responsibilities I have ever had the privilege to possess. 

Military mom nursing while in Uniform United States Navy - Morning Owl Fine Art Photography San Diego

This little girl is the light of our world and I wouldn't have it any other way. I am so grateful to be her mother to continue to grow with her.

I hope you enjoy just these couple of photos. 

Military mom nursing while in Uniform United States Navy - Morning Owl Fine Art Photography San Diego

Military mom nursing while in Uniform United States Navy - Morning Owl Fine Art Photography San Diego

Thank you, SO MUCH, my dear for photographing our little girl and I. 

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